My Bookmarks

A collection of my favorite resources and articles.

Alpha Signal

Alpha Signal is a newsletter and blog that curates and delivers the most relevant and cutting-edge news in the technology and AI space. With a focus on providing high-quality, actionable insights, Alpha Signal keeps its readers informed about the latest trends, breakthroughs, and developments in AI, machine learning, and tech innovation. It’s a go-to resource for professionals and enthusiasts who want to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving tech landscape.


ByteByteGo is a tech-focused newsletter and blog that delivers insights into software engineering, architecture, and cloud computing. Written by experts in the field, it covers complex topics in a clear and accessible way, making it an excellent resource for engineers looking to deepen their understanding of system design, scalability, and the latest industry trends. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting your tech journey, ByteByteGo offers valuable content to help you stay ahead in the rapidly evolving tech landscape.

Huyen Chip

Huyen Chip’s blog is a deep dive into the world of machine learning and AI, offering insightful posts on technical topics, industry trends, and personal experiences in the field. With a focus on practical advice and in-depth analysis, the blog is a valuable resource for professionals and enthusiasts looking to stay updated on the latest in machine learning, AI, and data science.


Latest updates, insights, and developments from OpenAI. It covers advancements in AI research, product launches, policy discussions, and the broader impact of AI on society.

The Pragmatic Engineer

A wide selection of long reads covering a variety of topics: engineering approaches, engineering culture, hiring, compensation, onboarding, retaining, attrition, working Big Tech and high-growth startups, tech news and technology trends.