Explore my Projects

A collection of my work, showcasing my journey and skills.

Babel Foundation

A set of projects to enhance the way we capture, store, and share human consciousness and memories.

  • Babel API: The gateway service for interacting with Babel data. This API processes natural language queries, searches indexed metadata, and returns relevant responses by leveraging advanced Large Language Models (LLMs).
  • Babel Bot: A conversational AI bot that interacts with users to capture, store, and retrieve memories.
  • Babel Agent: A daemon agent that syncs memory assets from local store to remote and keep index metadata up-to-date.
  • Babel CLI: A command-line interface for managing Babel data and interacting with the Babel data.


A simulation framework designed to automate decision-making processes by orchestrating AI agents implementing the Actor model.

Job Pulse

Hiring Market Analyser


Timeline of Climate Change

Climateline Processor

News publisher by Climateline


Knowledge sharing Bot about places


A Fantasy Premier League Trading System (v2)


Command-line tool to query any social network and collect some stats and ease the effective clean-up removing inactive, old and non-suitable accounts according your parameters.


The next Sustainable Search Engine by geolocation.


A Reactive and Event-Driven REST API of a CRUD of a backend session. Native Support with Quarkus.


A set of experiments and try-out ideas to explore the what-if and how-to of things.

  1. Griffin - Shell generator
  2. Stock The Ball - A Fantasy Premier League Trading System
  3. Gensory - Social Sentiment
  4. Hali - University Assistant
  5. KV Elixir Store